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Bugging Out? Why Not Use Abandoned Railroad


DISCLAIMER: Legally the railroad has jurisdiction for 20 feet on each side of the tracks and therefore you could be prosecuted for trespassing.

Roads will be dangerous to travel after SHTF.  Consider an alternative old abandoned railroads.  There are lots of them, Do you know how to locate them?  The following are a few way to look.

1. abandonedrails.com

2. 1948 edition of Rand McNally & Company’s Railroad Atlas of the United States

If no abandoned railroads in your area consider a regular railroad.

You can get a map at trainweb.com or mapsofworld.com

Use Google Maps or Mapquest to plan your trip


The idea to write this came to me because I live next to the tracks and the town I work at has an abandoned railroad across the street from were I work.  

by Prepare4Survival
